
Every Start Has an End: Keeping an Eye On Recession Indicators

There is much to be happy about regarding the U.S. economy and the stock market, so it feels a bit weird bringing up the topic of recession. Below I will discuss and outline a number of economic indicators which I believe are important for people to consider and then summarize my thoughts regarding our position [...]


How to Handle Market Declines

7 Ways to Fight Fear With Facts You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t fear loss. Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman demonstrated this with his loss-aversion theory, showing that people feel the pain of losing money more than they enjoy gains. As such, investors’ natural instinct is to flee the market when it starts to [...]


About that Equifax Breach

As you may already know, up to 143 million people had their Social Security  numbers and other data stolen in the recent Equifax data breach. Whether or not you were impacted, here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to actively protecting yourself in situations such as this. What Happened Atlanta-based Equifax, [...]

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